Extinction Rebellion protesters blocked streets in London in April 2019 challenging the UK political system to fix global climate change.  A new report “Net Zero, The UK’s contribution to stopping global warming” sets out an extraordinary plan. 

The report issued on the 2 May 2019 calls for the UK to stop adding to carbon dioxide in the atmosphere by 2050 – any pollution needs to offset by, for example, tree planting.  It would mean that in the next 30 years everything about powering modern life in the UK would need to change. An all-electric car network.  Using hydrogen to power lorries and buses. Flying less. New carbon capture technology. A massive shift in land farming.  Switching from gas boilers in homes and turning down the heating. New forests.  Sharing things, not always buying them new.  

This is one step from one country to prevent climate crisis.

Report Net Zero The UKs contribution to stopping global warming

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